About Us Page

Owning a small business is exciting, challenging and rewarding. I know because I am a small business
owner. With over 30 years experience in the corporate world, too, I know what it takes to succeed in
business. I know that being on the world wide web is no longer an option for a company. It is a necessity.

It is my goal to help small business owners successfully launch and maintain an effective presence on the

My company, Innovative Communications Enterprise is a creative outgrowth of my work with an
international communications corporation. The knowledge that I gained in that corporation together with my entrepreneurial expertise is providing small business owners with success on the internet.

In creating Websites for Businesses, I combined my business acumen and Internet experience with the
skills of programmers, artists, and writers to offer websites that promise to:

  • visually attract and hold the attention of potential customers
  • guide them through highlights and information about your business , and
  • move them to react and respond to the product/services you are offering.

Websites for Businesses is a one-stop Web site Design company that will:

  • help you through every phase of website development and design
  • host your website and maintain it , and
  • make every effort to insure your company succeeds on the world wide web.