The Cost Page

 How much does Share A Website cost? 

Share A Website is very affordable. It is cheaper then the cost of advertising
in your local newspaper, and, there is no comparison when it comes to impact.
A one page website costs is $49.95, which is a one time cost.

 How much does it cost if I want more than one page? 

The first page is $49.95. Each additional page is $24.95 or $124.80 ( one page free) for a five page website, this is a one time cost.

Each month of hosting is only $9.95 a month.

A minimum of three month of hosting is required for a cost of $29.85.

A Six month package of hosting is $59.70 with 1 month of hosting free, your final cost is $49.75.

A 12 month package of hosting is $119.40 with 2 month of hosting free, your final cost is $99.50.